Barwon Water, the Australian state of Victoria’s largest regional urban water corporation, tendered for a USEPA validated UV water disinfection system and then awarded the contract to Fluidquip Australia who supplied the Berson Inline 1000+ USEPA UV system. Barwon Water provides services to more than 295,000 permanent residents. It oversees 12 major reservoirs and 9
Caribbean island opts for UV instead of chlorine as part of its ‘anti chemical’ policy The Caribbean island of Aruba situated just off the coast of Venezuela has a semi-arid climate, caused by the north-westerly trade winds dropping most of their rain on the Windward Islands to the north-east. A popular tourist destination because of
Oliver Lawal, Aquionics’ Vice President of Technology, has co-authored a paper entitled “UV Intensity Setpoint Approach Re-Defined”, which is being presented at the Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC) in Seattle in November. The other authors are David Gaithuma, Harold Wright (Carollo Engineers) and Steve Larner (Hanovia Ltd). The paper presents an alternative approach to develop